Dokonalá Káva increases their average order value made through Smarstupp by 127%

Video recordings
Mobile App

Dokonalá Káva’s approach and key features used
Live chat
With Smartsupp Live Chat, Dokonalá Káva can be online when their customers need them most. They are fully available on their e-shop from 8:00-17:00 on a regular basis, and from 8:00-22:00 during high season. And, as a matter of fact, many customers come back to their e-shop because of the great customer care experience they had via live chat, regardless of whether it was through a human or chatbot.
Using Smartsupp’s chatbot to filter out repetitive questions, Dokonalá Káva saved money and precious customer care resources by reducing human assistance for FAQs. They found that the chatbot was often more effective in handling customer inquiries than human support, and by setting it up right the first time you will no longer have to make further adjustments. As Jan Houdek noted, “Everyone wants human assistance, but the chatbot resolves a large portion of customer inquiries and requests without the need for human customer care.” Also, by setting up their chatbot with various coffee preparation, flavor, and packaging size options, they are able to more effectively use the chatbot like a virtual barista and coffee guide.
Mobile App
Smartsupp’s free mobile app keeps Dokonalá Káva’s team readily available for their customers, and let’s them get out of the office and stay online comfortably in the evenings. The mobile app is the best way for them to never miss a customer inquiry, helping them maintain their pristine reputation of excellent customer service.
Video Recordings
Whenever there is a bug or error on their website, Dokonalá Káva turns to Smartsupp’s very insightful video recordings feature to spot the issue and fix it before it becomes a problem for visitors.
Chat statistics
Dokonalá Káva’s chat statistics speak for themselves–their pride in customer care combined with Smartsupp’s features allowed them to deliver the outstanding assistance their visitors needed, surpassing all expectations and demands.
Achieving great results with Smartsupp
Segment 1: Customers who interacted with both a chatbot and human assistant
Some notable recorded results Dokonalá Káva achieved by using live chat support with humans or chatbots were:
- First, visitors using live chat yielded a 379% higher conversion rate than those who didn’t interact through messages.
- Second, a mere 2% of visitors who received support on live chat made up 15% of their revenue–in other words, even a small number of visitors using the webchat led to a massive impact on overall profit.
- Third, the average order value increased by 127% per visitor via chat.
- And, fourth, they found that every tenth conversation resulted in a conversion, meaning that if you stay online, respond quickly, and use the live chat as often as possible, you will by default drive online sales through conversations.
Segment 2: Customers who interacted with a chatbot only
When looking at live chat performance via chatbot (non-human) assistance only, Dokonalá Káva reported that:
- First, visitors who received assistance from a chatbot resulted in a 248% conversion rate increase.
- Second, a small 0.5% of visitors who interacted with the chatbot comprised 5% of the total revenue made.
- Third, the average order value increased by 150% when people interacted with the chatbot.
- And lastly, that every 20th live chat conversation with the chatbot resulted in a sale.
From these results it would be fair to say that the chatbot, when set up correctly for an online store’s needs, effectively helps customers choose the right product and boosts your sales significantly.