Filesharing und vieles mehr! Die neue Chat-Box ist da.

We are constantly working to improve Smartsupp and we always take your feedback to heart. That’s why we’ve collected your most frequent wishes and made them into a new chat box.
We already went over the changes in a previous article. Now let’s make a little recap of the new features so that you don’t miss out on any of them.
Fresh new design
The new design is not likely to be overlooked. It now has a modern and elegant feel. We decided to take it into a minimalist style. Chat box is slightly larger in the open state and therefore more user-friendly.
New pre-chat and offline forms
Our next innovation is a change in pre-chat and offline forms. We’ve placed them right in the conversation, so that they are not an unnecessary distraction to your customers anymore. They simply fit into the conversation and seem like a natural part of it.
An option to share files
Yes, finally! We know you’ve been looking forward to this feature. It is clear to us that in order to be able to express yourself fully, you need to be able to send pictures, screenshots and other files. Well now you can. Just drag the file into the conversation window or select it from your computer. Easy as pie.
A new way of automatic messaging
New version of the chat box brings a less aggressive way of sending automatic messages. Instead of opening the entire chat window, an automatic message pops up just above the chat bubble. Interesting and engaging, right? The customers know that you are here for them and at the same time they are not disturbed while shopping. And what about people visiting your site on their phone? They already have enough different pop-ups, so they will only see the indicator of a new message and can decide whether to open it or not.
A new way of evaluation
Satisfaction rating is important and helps you continually improve your customer support. Therefore, we decided to improve the evaluation method itself. In the new chat box, customers can express their satisfaction and give you a rating before the chat ends. You can directly monitor what specifically provoked their reaction.
That’s all for now. Now you’re equipped with all the necessary information and you can use the new chat box to the fullest. And we’re really looking forward to all your further insights that help us improve Smartsupp.
Sind Sie noch verwirrt? Kontaktieren Sie uns über die Chat-Box in Ihrem Dashboard und wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Kundensupport nur in kostenpflichtigen Paketen enthalten ist.