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El fin del antiguo XMPP. ¡Aprovecha al máximo el nuevo Smartsupp!

El fin del antiguo XMPP. ¡Aprovecha al máximo el nuevo Smartsupp!
Establezca un contacto auténtico con sus visitantes
De nuestras reseñas

We have implemented XMPP solutions in the past mainly due to the absence of mobile applications. Today, you have the opportunity to communicate with your visitors conveniently from the Smartsupp mobile app.

XMPP thus becomes an outdated solution. Moreover, when using Smartsupp through XMPP, you are cut off from the vast majority of the features our solution offers. That is why we have decided not to support XMPP anymore. You will now be able to use Smartsupp to the fullest and of course we will bring you all the necessary instructions to get Smartsupp setup and working just like you’re used to - but more like a desktop application. So let’s take a look at how to replace XMPP and then you can take your customer communication to a whole new level with the new version of Smartsupp.

We have a few recommendations for settings that can replace XMPP:

  1. Launch the Smartsupp dashboard automatically when you start your browser.

  2. Pin the Smartsupp dashboard browser shortcut to the Start bar.

  3. Pin the Smartsupp desktop application (Windows) to the Start bar.

  4. Set Smartsupp to start as soon as you turn on your computer.

How to do it? Detailed instructions can be found in this article in our Help section: https://www.smartsupp.com/help/smartsupp-autorun/