September 2021 – news you shouldn't miss

Product News

September 2021 – news you shouldn't miss

Here’s a brief summary of the features we added during September 2021.

Our first webinar

We organized our very first webinar for Czech speaking community and it was awesome! We thank all 160 participants the webinar for joining us.

  • English webinar is coming soon – because we were so surprised by such a great interest and the atmosphere was absolutely amazing, we’re considering organising another webinar, this time in English. Would you be interested? Stay tuned!
  • Stay up-to-date with our social profiles – when there is something new or coming, social media are the first place where we let you know about that. Follow our Facebook and X to stay in the loop!

Mobile apps

  • Use the value of SmartHub also in our app – from now on you can use our SmartHub also in you mobile device. SmartHub is a place where you can find useful information that will help you stay ahead of your competitors (check it out or see screenshot).
  • Outperform your competitors – take a look at our articles and recommendations in mobile SmartHub to improve your communication and be the one who is loved by their customers.

Dashboard and chat box

  • Choose which shortcuts you are going to use – you can select the maximum number of live chat conversation shortcuts you want to use right in the shortcuts settings and also have more shortcuts (the ones exceeding the limit) saved. This way you have them ready for use whenever they may come in handy. We recommend you use this option to save temporary shortcuts such as Christmas or Valentine ones, and activate them only for the season.


  • Use different chatbots for different languages or categories – you can create more than one chatbot in your account. This will help you handle situations such as a website with multiple languages, domains or when you want to create different chatbots for different categories.

New Shoptet plugin

We published new Shoptet plugin which allows you to have even better overview of your customers. Let’s see how it can help you.

  • Better customer information overview with the latest orders – when in conversation, in addition to the total number of orders and the total money spent by the customer, you will also see a list of customer’s latest orders.
  • Upgrade to the new plugin – the old plugin is not going to be supported anymore so please, update to the new one if you use Shoptet as a platform for your e-shop.

Still confused? Contact us via the chat box in your dashboard and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you. Please note that customer service is included only in paid packages.

release notes